Your wedding dress will probably be the most expensive dress that you will ever buy, and chances are you will only ever wear it once.

Like many, that dress may end up folded up into a box and tucked away at the back of a wardrobe for your daughters to discover one wet afternoon during the school holidays. As a family heirloom that holds so many memories that you will want to share with your future family, looking after your dress is crucial.

Why is wedding dress dry cleaning so important in your bridal story?

Here at Dhobi, we pride ourselves on our wedding dress dry cleaning service. During the big day, a dress will go through a lot of different experiences. Its first couple of emotional yet special moments are private ones, the first one being that moment when the mother of the bride and the bride herself find the dress that they instinctively know is ‘the one’.

The second moment is between the bride and the father of the bride – that moment when she walks out, ready to be accompanied to the church. That bond between father and daughter is about to be changed irrevocably as he ‘hands over’ his princess to her future spouse. Maybe such a perspective is not politically correct these days, but the sentiment and tradition cannot be denied on such an emotional day.

Of course, the next big moment occurs when the bride walks down the aisle to meet her partner-to-be, who has yet to see her in all her bridal glory. Once vows are exchanged, the initial anxiety about keeping her dress pristine for the big event is now eased, and she relaxes and starts to enjoy the festivities in celebration of her nuptials.

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Accidents Will Happen

Spillages are a common mishap during large gatherings, and chances are your wedding dress will be a victim of one of these spillages. While Champagne or white wine may not cause too much damage to your white dress, it will still leave a watermark.

More dangerous is if you manage to find yourself at the wrong end of a spilt glass of red wine. Should this, unfortunately, happen to you, you will probably be assailed by a wave of old wives’ tales about the best ways of getting out the stain using salt, white wine, boiling water, rubber bands, and all sorts of other concoctions. Ultimately, red wine and white dresses do not mix. You’re going to have to have your nearest wedding dress dry cleaning company in London on speed dial in this eventuality. Only a professional will be able to deal with the consequences of a red wine stain and make it look new again!

Planning a Renewal of Vows

For many, wearing a dress and getting married is a once-in-a-lifetime occasion. However, if you are lucky enough to have picked the right partner and find yourself 20 years down the line as much in love as ever, then you may be considering a renewal of your vows.

As we all know, the years are not always kind to waistlines, but fear not, At Dhobi, we have alteration skills that will create additional inches to your dress (within reason), which means that you have the option of getting your dress out for a second airing in an attempt to recreate the joy and emotion of your first wedding.

It is for this eventuality that we encourage all new brides to make sure they make the dry cleaning of their wedding dress a priority after the event.

As well as the risk of spillages, long hemlines will swish along dusty floors and damp lawns, children’s sticky fingers will want to play with any beading, and lipstick and make-up stains from hugs and kisses will make their mark.

We suggest that when budgeting for your wedding, you factor your wedding dress dry cleaning cost into the overall costs of your wedding. Comparatively, it is not in large expense; however, considering the cost of your dress is a significant investment, you want to make sure that you retain the integrity of that investment for future generations.

At Dhobi, we love dry cleaning a wedding dress as we understand how much love and emotion is poured into it – from those initial childhood dreams to the excitement of the proposal to the festivities of the day and all its joys making their mark on your dress.

As a result, the care we put into your dress is done in honour of all those who have participated in your big day. We will take your dress, clean and restore it to its former exquisite and pristine glory. We will then wrap it and place it in a storage box befitting its meaning.

So should you wish to re-wear your dress for a vow renewal, the joy of releasing it from its box will shower you with a million beautiful memories.

If you have upcoming nuptials, book in your wedding dress in advance for a dry-cleaning service – another job ticked off your planning list.